一说到Cookie我想大家都应该知道它是一个保存在客户端,当浏览器请求一个url时,浏览器会携带相关的Cookie达到服务器端,所以服务器 是可以操作Cookie的,在Response时,会把Cookie信息输出到客服端。下面我们来看一个demo吧,代码如下:
到这里我们可以看到第二次请求传入的Cookie正好是第一次请求返回的Cookie信息,这里的cookie信息的维护主要是我们客户端的浏览 器,但是在Asp.net程序开发时,Cookie往往是在服务端程序里面写入,就如我的事例代码;很少有用客服端js实现的。现在我们就来看看 asp.net服务端是如何实现读写Cookie的。
public HttpCookieCollection Cookies {
get { EnsureCookies(); if (_flags[needToValidateCookies]) { _flags.Clear(needToValidateCookies); ValidateCookieCollection(_cookies); } return _cookies; } } 这里的Cookie获取主要是调用一个EnsureCookies方法,EnsureCookies放主要是调用FillInCookiesCollection方法,其中Cookie属性返回的是一个HttpCookieCollection集合, // Populates the Cookies property but does not hook up validation. internal HttpCookieCollection EnsureCookies() { if (_cookies == null) { _cookies = new HttpCookieCollection(null, false); if (_wr != null) FillInCookiesCollection(_cookies, true /*includeResponse*/); if (HasTransitionedToWebSocketRequest) // cookies can't be modified after the WebSocket handshake is complete _cookies.MakeReadOnly(); } return _cookies; }public sealed class HttpCookieCollection : NameObjectCollectionBase { internal HttpCookieCollection(HttpResponse response, bool readOnly) : base(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { this._response = response; base.IsReadOnly = readOnly; } } 其中这里的FillInCookiesCollection方法实现也比较复杂:internal void FillInCookiesCollection(HttpCookieCollection cookieCollection, bool includeResponse) { if (_wr == null) return; String s = _wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie); // Parse the cookie server variable. // Format: c1=k1=v1&k2=v2; c2=... int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; int i = 0; int j; char ch; HttpCookie lastCookie = null; while (i < l) { // find next ';' (don't look to ',' as per 91884) j = i; while (j < l) { ch = s[j]; if (ch == ';') break; j++; } // create cookie form string String cookieString = s.Substring(i, j-i).Trim(); i = j+1; // next cookie start if (cookieString.Length == 0) continue; HttpCookie cookie = CreateCookieFromString(cookieString); // some cookies starting with '$' are really attributes of the last cookie if (lastCookie != null) { String name = cookie.Name; // add known attribute to the last cookie (if any) if (name != null && name.Length > 0 && name[0] == '$') { if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "$Path")) lastCookie.Path = cookie.Value; else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(name, "$Domain")) lastCookie.Domain = cookie.Value; continue; } } // regular cookie cookieCollection.AddCookie(cookie, true); lastCookie = cookie; // goto next cookie } // Append response cookies if (includeResponse) { // If we have a reference to the response cookies collection, use it directly // rather than going through the Response object (which might not be available, e.g. // if we have already transitioned to a WebSockets request). HttpCookieCollection storedResponseCookies = _storedResponseCookies; if (storedResponseCookies == null && !HasTransitionedToWebSocketRequest && Response != null) { storedResponseCookies = Response.GetCookiesNoCreate(); } if (storedResponseCookies != null && storedResponseCookies.Count > 0) { HttpCookie[] responseCookieArray = new HttpCookie[storedResponseCookies.Count]; storedResponseCookies.CopyTo(responseCookieArray, 0); for (int iCookie = 0; iCookie < responseCookieArray.Length; iCookie++) cookieCollection.AddCookie(responseCookieArray[iCookie], append: true); } // release any stored reference to the response cookie collection _storedResponseCookies = null; } }
internal class ISAPIWorkerRequestInProcForIIS7 : ISAPIWorkerRequestInProcForIIS6 internal class ISAPIWorkerRequestInProcForIIS6 : ISAPIWorkerRequestInProc internal class ISAPIWorkerRequestInProc : ISAPIWorkerRequest internal abstract class ISAPIWorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest
其中 GetKnownRequestHeader方法的实现主要是在ISAPIWorkerRequest中,其GetKnownRequestHeader 主要是调用了它的ReadRequestHeaders私有方法,在ReadRequestHeaders方法中主要是调用它的 this.GetServerVariable("ALL_RAW")方法,所以我们可以认为this.GetServerVariable("ALL_RAW")这个方法是获取客户端传来的Cookie参数,而GetServerVariable方法的实现主要是在ISAPIWorkerRequestInProc 类,具体实现非常复杂。
这里的GetKnownRequestHeader方法实现非常复杂我们也就不去深研它了,我们只要知道调用这个方法就会返回Cookie的所有字 符串信息。在这个方法里面还调用了一个CreateCookieFromString方法,根据字符串来创建我们的HttpCookie实例。 CreateCookieFromString方法实现如下:
internal static HttpCookie CreateCookieFromString(String s) { HttpCookie c = new HttpCookie(); int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0; int i = 0; int ai, ei; bool firstValue = true; int numValues = 1; // Format: cookiename[=key1=val2&key2=val2&...] while (i < l) { // find next & ai = s.IndexOf('&', i); if (ai < 0) ai = l; // first value might contain cookie name before = if (firstValue) { ei = s.IndexOf('=', i); if (ei >= 0 && ei < ai) { c.Name = s.Substring(i, ei-i); i = ei+1; } else if (ai == l) { // the whole cookie is just a name c.Name = s; break; } firstValue = false; } // find '=' ei = s.IndexOf('=', i); if (ei < 0 && ai == l && numValues == 0) { // simple cookie with simple value c.Value = s.Substring(i, l-i); } else if (ei >= 0 && ei < ai) { // key=value c.Values.Add(s.Substring(i, ei-i), s.Substring(ei+1, ai-ei-1)); numValues++; } else { // value without key c.Values.Add(null, s.Substring(i, ai-i)); numValues++; } i = ai+1; } return c; }
现在我们回到HttpRequest的Cookies属性中来,这里有一个关于Cookie的简单验证ValidateCookieCollection方法,private void ValidateCookieCollection(HttpCookieCollection cc) {
if (_enableGranularValidation) { // Granular request validation is enabled - validate collection entries only as they're accessed. cc.EnableGranularValidation((key, value) => ValidateString(value, key, RequestValidationSource.Cookies)); } else { // Granular request validation is disabled - eagerly validate all collection entries. int c = cc.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { String key = cc.GetKey(i); String val = cc.Get(i).Value; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) ValidateString(val, key, RequestValidationSource.Cookies); } } } 其中HttpCookieCollection的EnableGranularValidation实现如下:internal void EnableGranularValidation(ValidateStringCallback validationCallback)
{ this._keysAwaitingValidation = new HashSet<string>(this.Keys.Cast<string>(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); this._validationCallback = validationCallback; } private void EnsureKeyValidated(string key, string value) { if ((this._keysAwaitingValidation != null) && this._keysAwaitingValidation.Contains(key)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { this._validationCallback(key, value); } this._keysAwaitingValidation.Remove(key); } }到这里我们知道默认从浏览器发送到服务器端的Cookie都是需要经过次验证的。这里的ValidateString方法具体实现我们就不说了,不过大家需要知道它是调用了RequestValidator.Current.IsValidRequestString方法来实现验证的,有关RequestValidator的信息大家可以查看。现在我们获取Cookie已经基本完成了。那么我们接下来看看是如何添加Cookie的了。
public HttpCookieCollection Cookies
{ get { if (this._cookies == null) { this._cookies = new HttpCookieCollection(this, false); } return this._cookies; } } 接下来我们看看HttpCookie的实现如下:public sealed class HttpCookie { private String _name; private String _path = "/"; private bool _secure; private bool _httpOnly; private String _domain; private bool _expirationSet; private DateTime _expires; private String _stringValue; private HttpValueCollection _multiValue; private bool _changed; private bool _added; internal HttpCookie() { _changed = true; } /* * Constructor - empty cookie with name */ ////// public HttpCookie(String name) { _name = name; SetDefaultsFromConfig(); _changed = true; } /* * Constructor - cookie with name and value */ ////// Initializes a new instance of the ////// class. /// /// public HttpCookie(String name, String value) { _name = name; _stringValue = value; SetDefaultsFromConfig(); _changed = true; } private void SetDefaultsFromConfig() { HttpCookiesSection config = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig().HttpCookies; _secure = config.RequireSSL; _httpOnly = config.HttpOnlyCookies; if (config.Domain != null && config.Domain.Length > 0) _domain = config.Domain; } /* * Whether the cookie contents have changed */ internal bool Changed { get { return _changed; } set { _changed = value; } } /* * Whether the cookie has been added */ internal bool Added { get { return _added; } set { _added = value; } } // DevID 251951 Cookie is getting duplicated by ASP.NET when they are added via a native module // This flag is used to remember that this cookie came from an IIS Set-Header flag, // so we don't duplicate it and send it back to IIS internal bool FromHeader { get; set; } /* * Cookie name */ ////// Initializes a new instance of the ////// class. /// /// public String Name { get { return _name;} set { _name = value; _changed = true; } } /* * Cookie path */ ////// Gets /// or sets the name of cookie. /// ////// public String Path { get { return _path;} set { _path = value; _changed = true; } } /* * 'Secure' flag */ ////// Gets or sets the URL prefix to transmit with the /// current cookie. /// ////// public bool Secure { get { return _secure;} set { _secure = value; _changed = true; } } ////// Indicates whether the cookie should be transmitted only over HTTPS. /// ////// Determines whether this cookie is allowed to participate in output caching. /// ////// If a given HttpResponse contains one or more outbound cookies with Shareable = false (the default value), /// output caching will be suppressed for that response. This prevents cookies that contain potentially /// sensitive information, e.g. FormsAuth cookies, from being cached in the response and sent to multiple /// clients. If a developer wants to allow a response containing cookies to be cached, he should configure /// caching as normal for the response, e.g. via the OutputCache directive, MVC's [OutputCache] attribute, /// etc., and he should make sure that all outbound cookies are marked Shareable = true. /// public bool Shareable { get; set; // don't need to set _changed flag since Set-Cookie header isn't affected by value of Shareable } ////// public bool HttpOnly { get { return _httpOnly;} set { _httpOnly = value; _changed = true; } } /* * Cookie domain */ ////// Indicates whether the cookie should have HttpOnly attribute /// ////// public String Domain { get { return _domain;} set { _domain = value; _changed = true; } } /* * Cookie expiration */ ////// Restricts domain cookie is to be used with. /// ////// public DateTime Expires { get { return(_expirationSet ? _expires : DateTime.MinValue); } set { _expires = value; _expirationSet = true; _changed = true; } } /* * Cookie value as string */ ////// Expiration time for cookie (in minutes). /// ////// public String Value { get { if (_multiValue != null) return _multiValue.ToString(false); else return _stringValue; } set { if (_multiValue != null) { // reset multivalue collection to contain // single keyless value _multiValue.Reset(); _multiValue.Add(null, value); } else { // remember as string _stringValue = value; } _changed = true; } } /* * Checks is cookie has sub-keys */ ////// Gets /// or /// sets an individual cookie value. /// ////// public bool HasKeys { get { return Values.HasKeys();} } private bool SupportsHttpOnly(HttpContext context) { if (context != null && context.Request != null) { HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = context.Request.Browser; return (browser != null && (browser.Type != "IE5" || browser.Platform != "MacPPC")); } return false; } /* * Cookie values as multivalue collection */ ///Gets a /// value indicating whether the cookie has sub-keys. ////// public NameValueCollection Values { get { if (_multiValue == null) { // create collection on demand _multiValue = new HttpValueCollection(); // convert existing string value into multivalue if (_stringValue != null) { if (_stringValue.IndexOf('&') >= 0 || _stringValue.IndexOf('=') >= 0) _multiValue.FillFromString(_stringValue); else _multiValue.Add(null, _stringValue); _stringValue = null; } } _changed = true; return _multiValue; } } /* * Default indexed property -- lookup the multivalue collection */ ///Gets individual key:value pairs within a single cookie object. ////// public String this[String key] { get { return Values[key]; } set { Values[key] = value; _changed = true; } } /* * Construct set-cookie header */ internal HttpResponseHeader GetSetCookieHeader(HttpContext context) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); // cookiename= if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_name)) { s.Append(_name); s.Append('='); } // key=value&... if (_multiValue != null) s.Append(_multiValue.ToString(false)); else if (_stringValue != null) s.Append(_stringValue); // domain if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_domain)) { s.Append("; domain="); s.Append(_domain); } // expiration if (_expirationSet && _expires != DateTime.MinValue) { s.Append("; expires="); s.Append(HttpUtility.FormatHttpCookieDateTime(_expires)); } // path if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_path)) { s.Append("; path="); s.Append(_path); } // secure if (_secure) s.Append("; secure"); // httponly, Note: IE5 on the Mac doesn't support this if (_httpOnly && SupportsHttpOnly(context)) { s.Append("; HttpOnly"); } // return as HttpResponseHeader return new HttpResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie, s.ToString()); } }/// Shortcut for HttpCookie$Values[key]. Required for ASP compatibility. /// ///
public void Add(HttpCookie cookie) {
if (_response != null) _response.BeforeCookieCollectionChange(); AddCookie(cookie, true); if (_response != null) _response.OnCookieAdd(cookie); } public sealed class HttpResponse { internal void BeforeCookieCollectionChange() { if (this._headersWritten) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("Cannot_modify_cookies_after_headers_sent")); } } internal void OnCookieAdd(HttpCookie cookie) { this.Request.AddResponseCookie(cookie); } } public sealed class HttpRequest { internal void AddResponseCookie(HttpCookie cookie) { if (this._cookies != null) { this._cookies.AddCookie(cookie, true); } if (this._params != null) { this._params.MakeReadWrite(); this._params.Add(cookie.Name, cookie.Value); this._params.MakeReadOnly(); } } }到这里我们应该知道每添加或修改一个Cookie都会调用HttpResponse的BeforeCookieCollectionChange和OnCookieAdd方法,BeforeCookieCollectionChange是确认我们的cookie是否可以添加的,以前在项目中就遇到这里的错误信息说什么“在header发送后不能修改cookie”,看见默认情况下_headersWritten是false,那么它通常在哪里被设置为true了,在HttpReaponse的BeginExecuteUrlForEntireResponse、Flush、EndFlush方法中被设置为true,而我们最常接触到的还是Flush方法。这里的OnCookieAdd方法确保Cookie实例同时也添加到HttpRequest中。
internal void AddCookie(HttpCookie cookie, bool append) {
ThrowIfMaxHttpCollectionKeysExceeded(); _all = null; _allKeys = null; if (append) { // DevID 251951 Cookie is getting duplicated by ASP.NET when they are added via a native module // Need to not double add response cookies from native modules if (!cookie.FromHeader) { // mark cookie as new cookie.Added = true; } BaseAdd(cookie.Name, cookie); } else { if (BaseGet(cookie.Name) != null) { // mark the cookie as changed because we are overriding the existing one cookie.Changed = true; } BaseSet(cookie.Name, cookie); } } private void ThrowIfMaxHttpCollectionKeysExceeded() { if (Count >= AppSettings.MaxHttpCollectionKeys) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CollectionCountExceeded_HttpValueCollection, AppSettings.MaxHttpCollectionKeys)); } }这里的AddCookie方法也非常简单,不过每次添加都会去检查Cookie的个数是否超过最大值。其实添加Cookie还可以调用HttpResponse的AppendCookie方法,
public void AppendCookie(HttpCookie cookie)
{ if (this._headersWritten) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("Cannot_append_cookie_after_headers_sent")); } this.Cookies.AddCookie(cookie, true); this.OnCookieAdd(cookie); } 这里它的实现和HttpCookieCollection的 public void Add(HttpCookie cookie)方法实现一致。 同样我们也知道这些Cookie是在HttpResponse的GenerateResponseHeadersForCookies方法中被使用, 其中GenerateResponseHeadersForCookies方法的实现如下:internal void GenerateResponseHeadersForCookies() { if (_cookies == null || (_cookies.Count == 0 && !_cookies.Changed)) return; // no cookies exist HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; HttpResponseHeader cookieHeader = null; HttpCookie cookie = null; bool needToReset = false; // Go through all cookies, and check whether any have been added // or changed. If a cookie was added, we can simply generate a new // set cookie header for it. If the cookie collection has been // changed (cleared or cookies removed), or an existing cookie was // changed, we have to regenerate all Set-Cookie headers due to an IIS // limitation that prevents us from being able to delete specific // Set-Cookie headers for items that changed. if (!_cookies.Changed) { for(int c = 0; c < _cookies.Count; c++) { cookie = _cookies[c]; if (cookie.Added) { // if a cookie was added, we generate a Set-Cookie header for it cookieHeader = cookie.GetSetCookieHeader(_context); headers.SetHeader(cookieHeader.Name, cookieHeader.Value, false); cookie.Added = false; cookie.Changed = false; } else if (cookie.Changed) { // if a cookie has changed, we need to clear all cookie // headers and re-write them all since we cant delete // specific existing cookies needToReset = true; break; } } } if (_cookies.Changed || needToReset) { // delete all set cookie headers headers.Remove("Set-Cookie"); // write all the cookies again for(int c = 0; c < _cookies.Count; c++) { // generate a Set-Cookie header for each cookie cookie = _cookies[c]; cookieHeader = cookie.GetSetCookieHeader(_context); headers.SetHeader(cookieHeader.Name, cookieHeader.Value, false); cookie.Added = false; cookie.Changed = false; } _cookies.Changed = false; } }
这里我们还是来总结一下吧:在HttpWorkerRequest中我们调用 GetKnownRequestHeader方法来获取Cookie的字符串形式,然后再将这里的字符串转化为HttpCookie集合供 HttpRequest使用,在HttpResponse中的GenerateResponseHeadersForCookies方法中会处理我们的 cookie实例,调用cookie的GetSetCookieHeader方法得到HttpCookie对应的字符串值,然后把该值添加到 HttpHeaderCollection 集合中(或者修改已有的值)。在获取cookie是这里有一个验证需要我们注意的就是 RequestValidator.Current.IsValidRequestString方法。 在添加或修改Cookie是有2个地方的检查(1)检查Cookie的个数是否达到我们配置的cookie最大个数,(2)现在是否已经写入头信息,如果 头信息已经写了则不能操作cookie。